Whether the Mangrove ?
Origin of the "mangrove" is unknown and there are various opinions about the origin of his. Macnae (1968) mentions the word mangrove is a blend of Portuguese and English mangue grove. Meanwhile, according to Mastaller (1997) mangrove word is derived from
the ancient Malay language mangi-mangi used to describe the genus
Avicennia and is still in use today in Indonesia East Side. Some experts define the term "mangrove" differently, but basically refer to the same thing. Tomlinson (1986) and Wightman (1989) defines well as mangrove plant found in tidal areas as well as the community. Mangrove
also defined as a plant formations typical littoral area on the coast
of tropical and sub-tropical regions are shielded (Saenger, et al,
1983). Meanwhile Soerianegara (1987) defines the mangrove forests as forests
are mainly grown on alluvial silt soil in coastal areas and estuaries river which influenced the tide, and consisting of tree species
Aicennia, Sonneratia, Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Ceriops, Lumnitzera,
Excoecaria, Xylocarpus, Aegiceras, Scyphyphora and Nypa. Basically,
according to Wightman (1989) is more important to know when working
with mangrove community is to determine which one is included and what
is not included mangrove. He suggested the entire vascular plants of the region, which is influenced tidal including mangrove. In this manual, The term "mangrove" is generally used reference to the habitat. In
some instances, the term "mangrove" is used for this type of
tumbuhannya, including plant species that are on the outskirts of
mangrove-like formations and formations Barringtonia Pes-caprae.
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